BOM Bill of materials for the wine press project
The following items are needed to realize the project:
- 1 Surge tank 50 l with 3/4 ” thread connection
- 1 Flower pot plate out of plastic, approx. 50 cm diameter as a juice collecting ring.
- 1 T-fitting 3/4 “
- 1 3/4 ” Stopcock
- 1 Thread nipple 3/4 ” both sides
- Teflon Tape
- 50 rivets 4 x 8 mm round head
- 1 Piece steel plate approx.. 350 x 250 x 3 mm
- Flat steel 20 x 6 approx. 1m
- 1 Hose nozzle.
- Food proof paint
- Water tap (System Gardena)
- Fruit sack of linen in the size according to the surge tank.
- Sanitary silicone to fix the juice ring
- Sabre saw with blades for steel
- Metal drill 8 mm
- Metal drill 4 mm
- Rivet snap 4 mm
- Rivet set round head 4 mm
- Hammer
- Counter weight for rivet
- Welding equipment
- Metal bow saw
- Flat file
- Bench vice
- Adjustable Wrench