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Update for Gamepad Use

A new update has been released, that allows to use a gamepad as input/teaching device instead of the self made arduino based joystick.

Though it works using a gamepad now, it is rather difficult to teach/move servos using the gamepad. My self made joystick is much more accurate and sensitive than a gamepad. Also gamepads usually have a “dead zone” in the center of the input lever, that makes it difficult to position exactly.

To prevent of much configuration, I created additional programs for gamepad use, the old ones can be still used if you have a self made joystick.

To install:

Download and unpack the g-zipped tar-ball from within /usr/local/bin

The configuration is set to orangepi by default. If you have a raspi 3 you need to copy the configuration file in /usr/local/bin/Modules (cp  /usr/local/bin/Modules/ /usr/local/bin/Modules/

Probably the perl module “Linux::Joystick” needs to be installed in addition.

The easiest way is to run:  cpanm Linux::Joystick

For more, how to use the Update read the enclosed README file.

Use a gamepad as a teaching device


  1. Fernando

    Hello, im trying to use a ps4 controller as a joystick to save the moviments, but seems like the file you uploaded here is not the correct one, in fact its the same as the tar ball

  2. Tomas

    Hello Rolf, first thank you very much for this project.
    Second I have has an error when I was trying to run
    sudo /usr/local/bin/

    Error: Can’t locate Device/PWMGenerator/ in @INC

    so I installed missing module with:
    sudo cpan Device::PWMGenerator::PCA9685
    autodetection yes

    Then it took about 30 min to update. After that it was working well.
    orangepiPC_bechele_armbian.img version from 02/11/24

    • rolf

      Dear Tomas, thanks for the report. From your description I see, that you did not install the recent version. The perevious version used this module and there it takes ages until everything is installed – if it does at all. The latest version uses a different module I wrote myself (RPi::MultiPCA9685) and this module is much quicker to install, runs quicker, allows more servos and provides more features. So I would highly recommend to upgrade to the latest bechele software version. The new version has a lot of additional features and is shared using the same License (GNU) The following page is a good starting point: The software is located here: or from github:
      In case of questions, you are welcome to contact me.

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