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The project page

Related links:
Bechele hardware
Bechele Software V2.0 – open source
Bechele Software V1.0

Frequently asked questions
How the project developed
The project – how it works

The project consists of the following parts:

Hardware of Bechele3

open source software of Bechele3 (Software Version 2.0)

The following parts are depending on your individual needs – The software is flexible enough to drive any model as long as you use servos to realize movements.

  • Movement mechanics
  • Puppet or movement model.

If you want to have an overview of the project should start with:  The Project how it works

Also some Youtube videos exist that show how to build and operate the animatronics:

Bob Johnson from Canada made an excellent blog regarding the build of the project: If you consider to realize some animatronics, it is worth to read it:

Many thanks to Bob for this great piece of work.

Those who want to see the animatronics first in action I recommend to watch the following videos:

1min 36 seconds

2 Minutes 19 Seconds
3D printable stl files on

2min 17 sec. Music

3D printable STL files on

3D printable STL files on

Herr Becheles Geburtstag

9min 20sec. swabian dialect

Herr Becheles Unfall

10min 46 sek. German swabian dialect

Kai annoys his grand father 

12 min02 sec. German swabian dialect

In case you got inspired by the project and built something similiar , based on the projects hard or software, I would be happy, if you would pass me your video link after finishing your project. After checking, I will publish it on this site if you like.


  1. Jadson

    Hello, I’m Jason, I’m from Brazil, I loved your project. I would like to do it, but I don’t have the Raspberry board. Can you install the program on a notebook with a Windows system?

    • rolf

      Dear Jadson, many thanks for the question. Unfortunately that does not work, because The bechele software only runs on linux and 2nd a PC does not provide an i2c interface, you could connect an i2c PWM device to. So you need a computer that runs linux and that provides an i2c interface. Further to use all functions, the GPIO device of a RaspberryPI like mini computer is required. Many of the Boards listed here could run the bechele software:
      However, if you want it easy, I recommend to use whether a RaspberryPi 1b, RaspberryPi 3b or an OrangePi-PC, because for these boards exist ready prepared SD Card images. If you want to stay with PC, perhaps this Software may help you further: Both bechele and MarIOnette are open source. Bottango for example also runs on a PC, but the license is restricted to beta use for free. I guess one fine time the software will be sold ….

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